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Sunday, January 18, 2015

One year old

Allen is turning 1 this week and I wanted to update my blog for everyone to hear about what an amazing gift he has been in my life. 

Allen has become my pal, my loyal companion and honestly my best friend. We argue and disagree but when it comes to life or death he is ALWAYS there for me. He constantly alerts me, that's not to say my diabetes is getting worse. To explain this, every time I eat my blood sugar goes up and everytime I give insulin my blood sugar goes down.  Allen is trained to alert me before I get into the dangerous levels. To prove that he is in fact aiding in my health I went to visit my diabetes doctor the week before Allen arrived and then in December I went in again for my 3 month check up. At every doctor appointment I get my glucose tested for the last 3 months. The results came back and my doctor is so happy with the results. My levels are more consistent and the average is lower (which is fantastic). Although we weren't surprised by this, it demonstrates medically that the service Allen provides to me will help me live a longer and healthier life. 

As for life with a constant companion, I am more happy and less scared to be alone. Honestly before Allen arrived, although I don't often admit my fear I was terrified of being alone and having my diabetes get me into a dangerous situation. 

Now my life is full of confidence that I will live another day. He keeps me healthy and happy. 

Allen is brilliant with his nose and he uses it often! He is a pointer for sure. 

I am still trying to earn money to pay for Allen. Fortunately I am a little over half way to paying him off. But paying for him is tough and keeps me struggling financially. If you are so inclined, please donate to his cause. I am forever in everyone's debt for the help I have already received.  Please pass my blog along to others who may be able to help. Thank you!!

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