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Friday, November 14, 2014

One Month

One month...

Allen was delivered to me on October 3rd.  We spent 2 days training together with Ed, the diabetic dog trainer.  Day one we learned all his commands, the ins and outs of how he works, we took him out in public (cafe rio and petsmart).  I was successful in my training so he was left with me to bond with me.  Thankfully we had had opportunities to see each other during his training, that I was able to bond with him very quickly.  In fact even within the first hour of meeting he was already doing his job in alerting me.  It was quite amazing and definitely incredibly reassuring that I had made the right decision in getting Allen.  

Week one - was EXHAUSTING! He is definitely a puppy and continually tries to test me.  He doesn't like to sleep in his bed on the side of mine, he has made it clear that he will be in my bed.  How could I resist this face??  He alerted me continually, at least twice a day to let me know that I needed to test my blood and get under control.  We are still learning and he occasionally will just alert me when he wants a treat, ha...puppies.  

Week two - Allen is testing me in every way.  He is starting to believe that he is master. He does very well in public settings, but when it is the 2 of us, he constantly is disobeying me.  While all of this is frustrating at times, he very actively is aware of me and my blood sugar and continues to alert me correctly.  We travelled to Northern Califonia for my fall break and he realized that he is a dog.  He was able to play with so many dogs and learned how to fight and run fast (or at least faster than me).  He loved the Fern Canyon we took him to, loved walking and playing in the water (where no other dogs are allowed, he is able to go).  I took him to the beach and he felt the ocean water for the first time.  Thankfully I didn't have to worry about him drinking the water because he was too scared of the waves, so he wouldn't get close to the water for very long.  But at the beach it was the first time he got more than 15 ft. away from me.  He was running up and down the sand, completely in love with his freedom.  Traveling in the car with him was easy as pie.  He layed in the back and slept most the day away, 14 hours in a car can be long for anyone, but he did brilliantly (he was probably exhausted from all his free time).  

Allen alerting me at work

Playing in the Redwoods

Week 3 - Getting back in to work mode has been a bit difficult.  I think he forgot what he was trained to do ;)  He didn't alert me too much on day one being back, but day 2 he was right back to his job.  In fact once when I was driving home from Provo he made his way up to me in the front seat and alerted me to test my blood.  I pulled over and in fact he was correct and my blood sugar was 72.  What an incredible moment I had when this happened.  It was a recognition that I am going to be okay if I am ever alone, no more car accidents, no more serious issues.  Allen is doing his job.  

He thinks this is where he can ride in the car....

Week 4 - We are getting into a routine.  Allen loves kids and always wants to play with them or any dog that he sees. He is apart of my life fully now.  We go out to eat, we go running/hike/walking together.  We are at work together and even sleeping together.  He is the most incredible blessing.  What an amazing thing for a dog to be able to sense my blood sugars in enough time to save my life.  

Allen and Baer cuddling on my bed

Allen's new BFF, Riken

To everyone and anyone who donated I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am continuing to raise money as I am still short.  Please pass the message along as anything helps.  And please let me know if you have any questions.   

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