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Wednesday, August 20, 2014


To: Whom it may concern
RE: Diabetic Alert Dog Fundraising

This letter is to confirm that Bryn Mangrum, is actively and currently fundraising to acquire a life saving Diabetic Alert Service Dog. Bryn Mangrum has Type 1 Diabetes and needs the assistance of a Service Dog to help her keep her blood glucose levels within a normal and healthy range.

A Diabetic Alert Dog will be trained to alert Bryn in advance of low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia) blood sugar events before they become dangerous. This way she may take steps to return her blood sugar to normal, such as using glucose sweets or taking insulin. 

These specially trained Service Dogs cost $15,000.00 due to the required amount of training and time that it takes to become certified as a working Diabetic Alert Dog. Unfortunately, insurance companies have refused to assist with these expenses, therefore the burden has fallen on families and supporters to donate to provide these amazing life saving dogs to their in need diabetic companions. 

By assisting Bryn with her fundraising goals you are making a significant difference in her life and helping her get one step closer to achieving her dream of getting her very own Diabetic Alert Dog. We at Diabetic Alert Dogs of America support Bryn in her quest, and ask that you donate or assist in any way possible no matter how little it may seem so that she may accomplish her goals.

Thank you in advance for your support. For more information on how you may help Bryn, please contact her personally or Diabetic Alert Dogs of America at:

(800) 975 – 5177, or

Thank you. 

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